27 March 2009

We're at the Steel Show!

Preparations are made and Mark, David, Kevin and John will be attending the NASCC next week in Phoenix. We're giving away an iPOD shuffle and holding a workshop on how barcode data collection can improve worker productivity. Mark's getting pretty good at presenting. Seems that improving productivity is a hot topic today. There are more details on radley.com and you can even pre-register for the workshop. Or, if you can't make it to the workshop then sign up for the free webinar that we will be scheduling sometime this spring. Oh, and it's not just for the steel industry.

06 March 2009

QAD User Group Meeting in Bay Area on Monday 3/9/2009

We are participating in the QAD California User Group's Spring Conference next Monday and Tuesday at the Training Center for QAD Corporate in Summerland (Santa Barbara). Terry and Mark from our Grand Rapids office will be attending, as well as Gerry who doesn't have to travel quite so far as he resides in the Los Angeles area. I believe this is the first time either Terry or Mark has attended this conference. It's a long plane ride from Grand Rapids, Michigan to the Pacific Coast, but they seem happy to go.