07 October 2009

Next Up: Ross Enterprise International User Group Conference

Crowne Plaza - Atlanta Airport
October 20 - 22, 2009

Radley will be attending and hosting a session and reception. If you're going to be there, look for us.

Beyond Data Collection - Global Manufacturer Gains Flexibility, Improves Accuracy and Process Visibility
Learn to expect more from your Automated Data Collection platform. Beyond just automating ROSS ERP transactions with bar coding, this session will examine other ways a global manufacturer has improved operations using ADC.

04 May 2009

Oracle Collaborate 09 in Orlando

Please visit us in Orlando - Booth 4370!
COLLABORATE 09: Technology and Applications Forum for the Oracle Community
May 3 – 7, 2009
Orange County Convention Center West
Orlando, FL USA

Join Radley Corporation and Intermec Technologies, Inc. at an event designed to provide in-depth education and training that will increase the performance of your Oracle environment and provide access to a global community of fellow users and experts.

Stop by Booth 4370 and Register to Win!
Stop by and say hello to David, John or Will and please mention this blog. We are giving away a very cool item and you could be one of two companys selected to receive complimentary unlimited licenses to Radley Time & Attendance or Labor Tracking Software.

09 April 2009

New WorkForce Productivity Webinar Series

First in Series
Boosting Worker Productivity Using Automated Data Collection

This session spotlights ways to reduce man-hours per ton by streamlining processes that bog down your work force. We explore how automated data collection bridges the communication gap between the office and shop by providing visibility to production, time and attendance, and labor information across all levels of your operation. See how dashboards provide views of key productivity indicators and enable operators, supervisors, and management to make effective decisions based on real-time information.

Register Online

27 March 2009

We're at the Steel Show!

Preparations are made and Mark, David, Kevin and John will be attending the NASCC next week in Phoenix. We're giving away an iPOD shuffle and holding a workshop on how barcode data collection can improve worker productivity. Mark's getting pretty good at presenting. Seems that improving productivity is a hot topic today. There are more details on radley.com and you can even pre-register for the workshop. Or, if you can't make it to the workshop then sign up for the free webinar that we will be scheduling sometime this spring. Oh, and it's not just for the steel industry.

06 March 2009

QAD User Group Meeting in Bay Area on Monday 3/9/2009

We are participating in the QAD California User Group's Spring Conference next Monday and Tuesday at the Training Center for QAD Corporate in Summerland (Santa Barbara). Terry and Mark from our Grand Rapids office will be attending, as well as Gerry who doesn't have to travel quite so far as he resides in the Los Angeles area. I believe this is the first time either Terry or Mark has attended this conference. It's a long plane ride from Grand Rapids, Michigan to the Pacific Coast, but they seem happy to go.

13 January 2009

The Real ROI - Integrating Automated Data Collection with Business Applications

In the not too distant past business software consisted of spreadsheet applications, word processors, and the occasional database for the technical elite. Business systems were manual systems – powered by printed copies of reports, spreadsheets, and documents upon which business decisions were based. Over time, competitive pressure, compliance requirements, corporate consolidations, mergers and acquisitions, budget restraints, and many other factors, combined to create the current environment that demands a laser-sharp focus on ways to cultivate business productivity.

In response, business software has grown more sophisticated and today includes applications for supply chain management, inventory management, purchasing, quality systems, process control, shop floor control, manufacturing execution shipping/ distribution, warehouse management, maintenance management, and virtually any other area that could be required to efficiently and effectively operate a business.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) provide this functionality through tightly integrated modules on a common platform. To some degree, most manufacturing and distribution companies have by now implemented one or all of these types of systems. Many also
have acquired business applications that are not part of their core system of record. These applications may use different technologies, reside on multiple platforms, and often use separate or multiple databases. Moreover, ERP, WMS, legacy, quality, manufacturing execution systems (MES), SCM and other business process/ execution applications have evolved in application breadth, functional depth, navigational complexity, transaction processing volume and database size.

An often overlooked challenge of these increasingly complex business applications is the impact they have had on data entry requirements. In the past, when business information was stored on shelves in scores of notebooks that quickly became outdated and useless, it was a generallyaccepted rule that files would be updated with the most current information available before generating reports. This is still true today.

Without consistent, timely, and accurate input of data, the value and integrity of any business software system decreases dramatically. And this is where it becomes apparent that the real ROI of any business software comes down to a tightly integrated, scalable and robust automated data collection system.

09 January 2009

American Fan Co selects Radley WorkForce Productivity Suite as Mobile Computing System for Inventory Control, Labor Tracking, Time and Attendance

January 9, 2009 - Grand Rapids, MI - American Fan Company manufactures a wide variety of high-performance centrifugal and axial fans for the Air Movement and Air Climate industry. Their Fairfield, OH, location recently selected Radley Corporation to provide a QAD-integrated advanced mobile computing system for inventory control, labor tracking and time and attendance. The Radley Solutions will be implemented on stationary, touch screen, thin-client data collection stations, as well as, on Intermec touch-screen, wireless, mobile computers. Through time clock entry, users will be able to report crew labor and production specifics, as well as, inventory receipts and movements, among other gained efficiencies. All transactions will be controlled with direct-to-QAD validations and updates. Directly integrated with the American Fan payroll provider, Radley Time and Attendance application is also meshed with the Labor Tracking system, enabling American Fan management access to detailed information and will experience improved control through timely visibility of accruals and exceptions.