19 December 2008

New www.Radley.com Site Map

A site map was recently added to the Radley Website. This is not a dynamically generated page so it will be a work in progress that will change often, but probably not often enough.

A little organizational assist: http://www.radley.com/sitemap.htm

16 December 2008

Recession Proof - Time Flys When You're Having Fun

Every manager and executive who has been through challenging economic times in the past, knows that it will end. You also know that as you downsize and try to become more efficient during this period, you need to be prepared to handle increased volume when the economy improves.

Just this morning, I again read that one of the top ways to come out on top at the end of this recession is to take advantage of technology to become more productive. No matter how you measure it, it seems like common sense that the highest ROI can be achieved through streamlined and automated business processes - enabling fewer to do more with less.

What you don't want to do is sit around and worry or worse panic and take an ax to the business you worked so hard to build. Take the "glass half full" perspective and consider this downturn as a great opportunity. Take the time to get to know your processes, examine the status quo, identify where you can improve, and then take the steps to prepare for the days when your "huge sales will solve all your problems." You will be surprised at how quickly this recession will pass.

08 December 2008

Welcome to WorkForce Productivity for Manufacturers

Productivity increases the value of the output of your work force. Productivity is all about managing all of your resources wisely and efficiently. This means different things to different people and positions but it's important to all of us. Whether you are an owner, a manager, a line worker, or any other worker, it appears to be time to start sharing our best ideas for productivity so that we can all succeed.